Tuesday, September 18, 2007


The pre-requiste for this review: I love Halloween(1978). It was one of the first horror movies that I really loved. It was the movie that changed my mind towards the genre. I used to be real closeminded to the idea that the horror movie could be an art form, but Halloween changed me for life, and I became an instant sponge for everything horror. Thank You, John Carpenter.
Fast forward to 2007****Woooooooosh***********
I saw Rob Zombie's Halloween opening night with Josh Scooter. I didn't like House of a Thousand Corpses when I saw it, so I had none for The Devil's Rejects, and it turned out to be one of the best movies in the "terrifying" genre that I have ever seen, which leads to high expectations for Rob Zombie, but low expectations in how they can improve on the original. My philosophy was if they can make it as good as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes then I'll be satisfied, and not like The Fog remake.
The beginning of the movie seemed like it went on and on and on, perhaps a little too much, and I read on Aint It Cool that it reminded them of the Patton Oswalt joke about George Lucas and his Star Wars backstory, which I thought was hilarious. The little Michael Myers was creepy in a Dakota Fanning way. It was an interesting take overall, but probably too much.
Once the movie catches up to the original story, it kind of rushes through it, and it changes the story up quite a bit, the acting isn't as solid as the original cast, but typical of today's "teen casting", which means up and down, good moments, horrible moments. It pretty much doesn't know if it wants to homage the 1978 version or blow it up and destroy it. Zombie comes up with some mixture of it that many are split on. I loved seeing Sid Haig in this, and didn't love Malcom McDowell as Dr. Loomis. I read that McDowell never saw the original so he wanted to come at this completely original, well perhaps, he should have just watched the damn orignal and put on a proper Dr. Loomis performance.

All in All: I actually really liked it, which is a little surprising since most hardcore fans kinda Hated it. I didn't go Patton Oswalt and go with theory of I don't F'ing care about Michael Myers as a little boy. I actually enjoyed seeing the evolving monster, but I kinda wanted more but done in a tidier way. The change in the ending was "neat" but I worry that many only want these new satisfying endings. I really prefer the original ending, but it would be ridiculous to say I wouldn't.

If you are a horror fan who can leave your Halloween bias at the door, you'll like this, so check it out!

1 comment:

Josh Sisemore said...

I agree with Patton on Star Wars but, for this film I am ok with seeing him as a kid. I also think that if Anakin/ Darth Vader had massacred his whole family and then never spoke again it could have worked with episodes 1, 2, and 3.
My only major annoyance with the flick was the teenage girl lead. First of she looked like she was about 28 and she was super annoying. I also have to fault Rob Zombie on her behalf because I didn’t enjoy any of her dialogue.
Over all though I really liked it and agree with Texas Chainsaw as the “bar” for horror remakes. Glad to see your bloggable again.