Saturday, September 12, 2009

If you want to read my blog, leave a comment and I'll add you to the list

My blog entries are private from here on out since I'm now an educator who is trying to get a job. I will try to write more frequently, because I always have an opinion with something to say about everything, but I rarely express it anymore publicly. If you like you can propose topics to blog about. Improv blogging at its finest!
So comment if you are up to reading my blog.
Aaron Empsall


Heather said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me! I want to read your blog!!!

Aaron Empsall said...

Thanks for joining up!

Unknown said...

Me too!

Melissa said...

i'm leaving a comment

Bonnie Rae said...

question is....what type of comment would you like?
'Oh please add me!'
or maybe
'Yo add me'
but really what I mean is
'Can I now stalk you by reading your blog?'

Josh Sisemore said...

I am excited to read this (sure to be) once a year blog.

Unknown said...

hey aaron! can i read your blog?

Lane Bailey said...

I'd love to read, if you're still posting!